NHS Borders Money Worries APP
NHS Borders Money Worries App contains a digital directory with information about support services available nationally and locally in the Scottish Borders. The user-friendly design and content are divided into four key areas; Money, Health, Housing and Work.
Once you have downloaded the app, just click on one of these sections to obtain valuable advice and relevant contacts that can help you access support. There is also useful information on a variety of issues ranging from advice on energy saving, debt and health problems or disabilities at work; to more urgent help with emotional distress and social care services.
The app can be downloaded by searching for NHS Borders Money Worries App on either the Apple App store or Google Playstore or directly at:
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mtcmobile.nhsbordersapp
Apple: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/nhs-borders/id1548685536